SITRAM is an Industrial Research and Experimental Development project, born in order to meet the requirements of the call for tender on "Sustainable Mobility" founded by Italian Ministry of Economic Development under the Industry Programme 2015. Ansaldo STS s.p.a. is the leading company of SITRAM.
The “Sustainable Mobility” is the main target of the SITRAM programme, because it is considered, by the companies, the decisive competitive factor in order to keep and to get new market shares. The main performances, “targets”, that SITRAM wants to improve are:
- Safety and Security;
- Energy Efficiency;
- Environment friendly;
- Reliability;
- Availability.
Activities at TRLab
The objective of the activity is the realization of an on-board storage system for energy recovery during the braking operations of light railway vehicles. The installation of a supercapacitor stack based on SC technology is carried out on the vehicle SIRIO along the tram-way of Naples.
Main contribution:
Implementation of real-time controls for on-board energy management for maximum energy recovery.
Stand-alone configuration and integrated solution for a power converter with the traction inverter.
- Supercapacitor modelling for traction application.
- Electromechanical Simulator of Tram-way Line.
Experimental tests are conducted on an electromechanical simulator realized in TRLab.
Future Direction
These studies are continuing in order to verify the possibility of replacing the traditional traction inverter with a modular multilevel converter (MMC) integrated with energy storage devices. The main problems focus on the control of MMC during start-up, when the DC-voltage fluctuations are quite large.
Main Industrial Partners
Ansaldo STS & Breda, Elsag Datamt, Dimac Red
Main Institutions
DIETI-UniNA, DiM-PoiMi,DiS-UniGe, DiE-UniFi, TEST